Credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium
The differences and similarities between certification and ratings programs are not well understood by the market. As our programs – and the sustainable seafood landscape – evolve, defining and communicating our complementary roles is key to having greater impact.
The Seafood Certification & Ratings Collaboration has developed a brief that clarifies our complementary roles and how we fit into responsible sourcing policies.
Certification and ratings programs have a common goal of encouraging fisheries and aquaculture to undertake continuous improvement toward environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability.
Our programs play complementary roles to drive improvement and meet a range of market needs for stakeholders including producers, businesses, governments, and NGOs.
Together, our certification and ratings programs offer a range of tools to assess seafood performance and support different responsible sourcing strategies. To learn more, please download the full brief, and the slides that we use in buyer meetings, below.